CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.

CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.
visit www.ceiservices.co.uk to find out more about our work on this beautiful building.

Cumbria Environmental Improvement Services Ltd

Pressure Cleaning Specialists, Property Maintenance Experts. We Don't Cut Corners, We Clean Them!

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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Email To Councils

Below is an email we sent to around 10 local authorities around Northern England to see if we can try to work together on a simple sign cleaning project which would be beneficial to both the councils and the general public. We will wait and see if any of them decide to respond!! If previous efforts to engage them in constructive conversation is anything to go by I doubt we will even get a polite declining email. We will keep you posted!

Please follow the links below to some articles regarding the state of the road signs in our country. I have attached some photos of signs in Cockermouth, our hometown which we took it upon ourselves to clean because they looked so disgusting.



Aside from the way filthy, unkept or vandalised road signs reflect badly on our villages, towns and cities, they also pose a serious hazard. Drivers straining to read what a sign says because of the dirt, or unable to read it because of overhanging trees, can and has caused accidents. Surely these 2 reasons alone are enough to make you sit up and want to do something about this issue? Add to this the fact that maintaining the signs themselves in the short term will save you money in the long term and I hope you will be willing to at least consider the contents of the rest of this email?

CEI Services work throughout Cumbria and Northern England in towns, villages and cities so we are able to see that this is a common problem, not just in our hometowns but throughout the country. We would like to help and we realise that this type of spending isn't top priority for councils at the moment however it is vital to retain good standards, even during tough economic times. Tourism, local pride and the safety of the general public are all at stake.

We believe we can work with you to set up reporting systems to log damaged, dirty, vandalised or unreadable signs anywhere in the North of England but particularly in and around Cumbria. We also believe we can work with minimal budgets to ensure these issues are addressed and rectified in a timely and efficient manner as we go about our regular work schedule. We are open to negotiations with regards to how this arrangement could work but we are sure it could be mutually beneficial and most importantly be extremely beneficial to the general public!!!

Graffiti removal & anti graffiti coatings
Pressure cleaning - removal of dirt, traffic film, algae, grime, stains etc
Trimming back tress, hedges, bushes etc which can block signs from view
Repairs - Tightening, straightening etc

These are the main issues with our road signs wherever they may be. Councils do not have the time to deal with this issue properly, that is clear for all to see, so why not let us take care of the issue at a cost that suits us both in a manner that also suits us both.

As a company we have many innovative ideas for councils to save money and to generate revenue but despite numerous letters, emails and phone calls to authorities throughout the North no one seems willing to listen. I hope that you can find a few minutes to engage me regarding this email and how we can improve our local areas together in a cost effective fashion.

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