CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.

CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.
visit www.ceiservices.co.uk to find out more about our work on this beautiful building.

Cumbria Environmental Improvement Services Ltd

Pressure Cleaning Specialists, Property Maintenance Experts. We Don't Cut Corners, We Clean Them!

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Why not visit our website at www.ceiservices.co.uk to find out more.

Monday 26 July 2010

Pacific Garbage Patch

The Pacific Garbage Patch is the worlds largest rubbish dump, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every hour of every day. Some of the plastic which has formed a soup throughout the water column has taken many years to arrive here and is bought in by currents. Scientists extimate it to cover an area somewhere between the size of Texas and, wait for it, the USA. It is a mammoth issue which no government will ever address due it's depth and location. Do we just have to accept then that vast areas of our oceans (the Atlantic has a similar issue) are just going to become more and more polluted and contaminated?

It seems so....

Please take a few minutes to look at the video below which tells you all about this shocking man made plastic soup in the middle of our Pacific Ocean.

Raising awareness of this tragedy is all we can do at the moment, it is surprising how many people have no idea it exists!!!

Monday 12 July 2010

Exciting New Developments

CEI Services are pleased to announce that we are expanding! Thats right, at the beginning of August we will be opening our sub depot in the Midlands, Tamworth to be precise!

Keep coming back for much more news on this exciting development and other CEI related goings on over the next couple of weeks!