CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.

CEI Staff working on the magnificent Ruskin Library at Lancaster University.
visit www.ceiservices.co.uk to find out more about our work on this beautiful building.

Cumbria Environmental Improvement Services Ltd

Pressure Cleaning Specialists, Property Maintenance Experts. We Don't Cut Corners, We Clean Them!

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Friday 1 July 2011

CEI Services Flood Restoration

As Summer sets in the CEI Services team have been incredibly busy up and down the country on a diverse range of works including grounds maintenance, industrial painting, graffiti removal & the application of anti graffiti coatings (more of which you can read about shortly on our new and improved dedicated graffiti removal page within our website - www.ceiservices.co.uk), relaying broken flagstones and paving, we've even turned our hand to commercial window cleaning since our last post - with the usual fantastic results!

However, sadly, CEI Services have been involved in more flood restoration works. Regular readers will know the lengths CEI went to, to try and help with the floods which caused devastation to our neighbours and local communities. During this experience our team learnt a lot about providing this service in a cost effective, efficient manner. As part of our role, providing facilities management for Evonik Goldschmidt, we were called into action once again. A burst water main had flooded their offices and labs - ruining all the carpet tiles and causing a lot of disruption to the Evonik staff. CEI managed to clear out all contaminated items, decontaminate and dry all affected surfaces within a few days - no mean feat! We then set about laying new carpet tiles throughout the main building, a job which we always enjoy. So, a thousand or 2 carpet tiles later and all was back to normal. Phew!

The last couple of months have really highlighted the wide range of environmental services CEI can, and do, provide. We offer commercial and domestic customers unrivalled levels of customer service and satisfaction. And we don't charge anything for a site survey or quotation so if your considering improvements to your property why not give CEI  a call!!!